Review: Gemini


This is the reason why you need to go watch Gemini this week/weekend!

From the moment the movie begins you get the feeling that you are indeed in the beachy parts of Los Angeles that hide in plain sight. The palm trees and purple chrome tinge in the film give us a clue that not all is what it seems in a town that reports 24/7 on the ongoings of most of its citizens. The first scene is perfect taking it’s audience into the world of celebrity that we don’t get to see, but only read about in the tabloids or on TMZ. We meet Heather (Zoë Kravitz), an actress and Jill (Lola Kirke), her assistant. From the get-go it is understood that they have been working together for quite some time, with Jill often covering for Heather, who is wanting a change of pace and wants to just chill for awhile. There’s nothing wrong with a rather busy person wanting to take some time off from work from time to time. Heather refuses to carry on with her commitments so you can imagine the response from the people involved–they hate her–they threaten her. Heather’s just a movie star that has fallen victim of her profession, she wants the simpler things in life–friendship, close relationships, people she can trust. At some point you feel sorry for her for what she possibly has had to endure to get to where she is–fed up with her life being so public. Zoe Kravitz performance is a testament to what is not said but shown. She nails her characters likability with other characters–and communicates the other side of that to the audience.

The writing is where it’s at with Gemini. Aaron Katz who wrote and directed gives the audience exactly what they need to know for this thriller. Every scene has a purpose, the transitions between each are direct, the score pulls you into these characters lives and resonates an eerie kind of loneliness that springs from the screen. As does the choice of film and color which complement the story very well. Every turning point brings you closer to the truth. So pay attention. Lola Kirke’s performance is captivating as her character Jill is left to make sense of Heather’s mysterious murder. You have to listen and take cue again, to what is and isn’t said to get that Jill may have something to hide–from her past. That’s one of the reasons why this movie is so precisely written, you have a great balance of backstory that’s sprinkled throughout the movie that gives off this sticky feeling of fresh and dreamy mystery that plays with what you may have gathered to be true. The only thing I can say is that there were not enough John Cho scenes. However, he too nails the push-hard, play -hard detective role to a tee. Leaves you wondering whether he’s got a motive of his own.

As the end approaches we’re left indeed with a lingering feeling of uneasiness that borders both on having found the answer to having barely touched the surface to a murder that may not be what it seems. This I think was intentional on Katz part. Perhaps the answer we got wasn’t to the right question or person.

Gemini is out in theaters now.

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