Writing Devices: Neo2 AlphaSmart

Writing Devices

A few days ago my laptop charger or laptop (as of this post it’s undetermined which has the problem) stopped working. Yikes!

Worried but hoping it will get resolved. I’m pretty happy though that I have an alternative because my handwriting isn’t great.

Pretty good for NaNo too. The ultimate way to fight off distractions.

So what is it? Where can you get one? and How does it work?

An alphasmart is a word processor. It’s sort of like a type writer and a computer without internet connection. These were used back in the day to learn how to type (some editions had interactive programs for kids) and for quick notes.

You can get an AlphaSmart Neo 2 on eBay for under $30 with shipping.

How does it work?

It works with batteries. You can turn it on and start typing. You can save a total of 8 files and each one can hold up to 10,000 words that’s a whole book right there.

Because this is an old device and most of them will be used ALWAYS back up your work as soon as you can. You can transfer your work from the alphasmart with a USB cable. All you need is to open a Word document and almost as soon as you connect the cable the words will begin to type onto the Word document.

I’ve been using this when I need to get some words down without any distractions. Honestly, it’s a conscious decision that I make. I put my phone a few feet away if not in another room and then take out the alpha smart and get going for a writing sprint.

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